Wednesday, August 26, 2009

week five- peer reviews

week four- whatever happens in vegas, stays in vegas

modes of documentary production

the mode of documentary that i will be using in my experiment to explore the physical effect of an explosion on posrosity is 'observational documentary'. Observational documentary is a style to depict everyday life from a person's point of view, unlike other documentary modes where the camera is behind a person exposing a different view, observational documentary captures the reality of what is infront of the camera and helps add another dimension to the documentary.

Using observational documentary throughout my attempt to explore the physical effect of an explosion on porosity will help aid me throughout the documentary, adding another dimension to the video- adding to the element of porosity.

week three- let there be light, i shall call the light day and the dark night. let there be rain

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

week two- one explode, two explode, three explode



The following videos are a series of explosions of different entities, at similar scales with different effects. Some of the entities create a massive explosion while others such as the village have a sideways effect to it, while the first-aid room is not effected by the explosion at all.

I believe some of the effects of the explosions are affected by the density of the entity as with the boat explosion, it is clear the effect it has on it, with the boat going high into the air after the explosion.

week one